5.4.1. XILab general settings¶
Program in the Application settings

XILab general settings tab
This tab configures the Xilab interface type.
Skin Type group includes Xilab interface type settings. There are two interface types available: “General Motor” and “Attenuator”.
General Motor option enables general motor interface. In this mode current motor position is displayed in main window numerically and graphically as a slider. Controls to move the motor to specified coordinate (in steps) and to shift on specified offset (in steps) are also available. General motor interface settings are located on the General motor settings page.
Attenuator option enables Attenuator interface. In this mode current motor position is displayed in main window graphically as a series of circles representing attenuator filters. Controls to find the combination of filters which is the best approximation to the specified transparency are also available. Attenuator interface settings are located on the Attenuator settings page.