5.5.7. Accessories specifications¶
The information on the “Stage -> Accessories” tab temporarily not used
Stage -> Accessories in the Application settings

Accessories specifications window
This panel contains information about various accessories.
Magnetic brake - magnetic brake section:
- Information - magnetic brake manufacturer and part number.
- Rated voltage - nominal magnetic brake voltage.
- Rated current - nominal magnetic brake current.
- Torque - hold torque.
- Available - indicates if magnetic brake is available.
- Powered hold - magnetic brake is in hold mode on power on if this option is enabled.
Temperature sensor - temperature sensor section:
- Information - temperature sensor manufacturer and part number.
- Temp. range - measuered temperature range.
- Temp. gradient - temperature gradient.
- Type - sensor type (thermocouple or semiconductor).
- Available - indicates if temperature sensor is available.
Limit switches - limit switches section:
- SW1 available - indicates if SW1 limit switch is available.
- SW2 available - indicates if SW2 limit switch is available.
- SW1 low is active - indicates if SW1 limit switch active state is low.
- SW2 low is active - indicates if SW2 limit switch active state is low.
- Limit switches shorted - if enabled, then limit switches are shorted.