8.14. Raspberry Pi control


Almost all ARM single-board computers are supported (Raspberry Pi 1/2/3/4/…, NanoPi, Cubieboard, and so on).
The only limitation is that the ARM core must be version 7 or higher

8.14.1. Working with XILab software on an ARM processor


XILab will not run on ARM processor!

If your linux has a graphical shell, you can use unsupported examples, among which there are examples that resemble XILab.

8.14.2. Working with libximc library on an ARM processor

On Linux both the libximc7_x.x.x and libximc7-dev_x.x.x target architecture in the specified order. For install packages, you can use the .deb command: dpkg -i filename.deb, where “filename.deb” is the name of the package (packages in Debian have the extension .deb). You must run dpkg with superuser privileges (root).

In a Linux-based OS, XIMC controllers must be recognized as a ttyACMn device and have a symbolic link in /dev/ximc/

The controller may not be found in the system due to lack of access rights to the device. To solve this problem, create a file: /etc/udev/rules.d/31-ximc.rules and add the following line to it: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="067b", MODE="0666"

The ID idVendor can be found by running the command lsusb.
Also, one of the possible solutions to the “no device found” problem is to add a user to the dialout group.
Important: After adding a user to the group, you need to restart the computer.

The development kit can be downloaded on the Software page. It contains the compiled libximc library for Windows, Linux and Mac OS systems, the programming guide and the examples. Libximc is a cross-platform library that supports C++, C#, Delphi, Visual Basic, Matlab, Java and Python languages. The examples included in the library package are intended for quick acquaintance with the programming for XIMC controllers. The Libximc sources are also available for download.