5.3.10. General purpose input-output settings

In the Application settings Device -> EXTIO


General purpose input-output settings tab

For detailed information, please see General purpose digital input-output (EXTIO).

ExtIO setup

IO pin is output - if the flag is checked the needle of ExtIO works in output mode, otherwise - in the input mode.

Invert - if the flag is checked the rising edge is ignored and the falling edge is active.

ExtIO mode - mode selection

If ExtIO configured for input mode the choice of controller action settings by the input pulse is active:

If ExtIO configured for output mode the choice of the output state depending on the controller status is active:

  • Out always off - always in inactive state.
  • Out always on - always in active state.
  • Out active when moving - in active state during motion.
  • Out active in Alarm - in active state if the controller is in the Alarm state.
  • Out active when motor is on - in active state if the motor windings are powered.
  • Out active when motor is found - in active state if the motor is connected.